As with any aspect of your health and well being, skin care is something that you need to pay careful at tent ion to. While it is safe to say that common sense is the best road-map to everything, including good skin, it is also helpful to remind yourself of some important tips that will keep your skin looking great.
Use sunscreen: Make sure that you wear strong sunscreen when you are out and about as the sun has a very harsh effect on human skin. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF strength that is appropriate to the situation that you are going to be in.
Drink lots of water: Water is a very important aspect of our skin s health. When you are dehydrated, you skin will turn colourless and look very dry. Drinking a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is a must for beautiful skin.
Eat healthy: Avoid eating foods that are very oily. Also avoid eating a diet high in red meat. Both of these types of foods have a negative effect on skin if consumed as the majority of ones diet. Sometimes, they may even lead to the formation of pimples and other forms of acne.
Limit your exposure to the elements: Do not stay outdoors in Condit ions where it is very windy or dusty for long periods of time.
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